Sunday, September 30, 2018

Dry / "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" / "Celia, Child of Terror" / Dating Anniversary

Dry. As in.....not sure what to write today. [Edit: Well, the title was premature....]

I could write about political stuff. I could write about movie stuff. I could write about music stuff. Or all three.

I do know one thing. Yesterday morning, before Michelle awakened, I watched "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" for the first time. It's one of those movies I've meant to watch for awhile but had never had the chance....until getting some streaming services. I don't use the word "delight" often, but that's what the movie is. I believe, in the span of its 1:55 running time, it vaulted into my list of "movies I'll watch if I need a pick-me-up." I should have realized that something directed by Edgar Wright would be just that, but it took me awhile to get to it. My loss. Until now.

I also saw a movie that was another surprise, one called "Celia, Child of Terror." Terrible title, great film. I've been collecting those Katarina's Nightmare Theater DVDs for awhile, and this film was on one of those. It's an Australian film from 1988 that is definitely not a horror movie, even though it contains some horror elements. It's more of a childhood tribulation movie. And one that'll stick with me for awhile. I expected way less than I got. It's a fully rich story with a lot of very well developed supporting characters. And the ending is.....well...just see it. You won't be sorry. Not that it gives a lot away, but I wish Scorpion Releasing hadn't use that image of the title character as the DVD cover art.

Yesterday was Michelle's and my eighteenth anniversary of our first date. We went to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre house in Kingsland, a favorite haunt (ha), for dinner, and we'll complete this cycle later by going to The Gas Station in Bastrop for a late barbecue lunch. Then we'll probably watch TCM tonight. The movie, not the channel. We're romantic that way.

But yes, it's been eighteen years. We've been married 15 1/2 years, but we like to celebrate two anniversaries. Why not? Our first date was a great time, and I like to think back on that night often. We went to a screening of "Labyrinth" at the Alamo Drafthouse and then took in a Fuckemos show at Emo's afterward. I remember we also stopped off at a bar Joey Ferguson worked at, one with bean bag chairs on the floor, but I forget the name. We were both kind of showing off to people, as our bonding was becoming apparent, even if we hadn't acted on it yet. It was a fun night through and through. She and I had both been working at the Red Eyed Fly in its glorious infancy, she cocktailing as she finished her second college degree and me booking the place. Within a month of our bonding, I had left the booking to Ron Suman, and she (having already begun working at the TCEQ) left as well. We're still on this adventure. It's a fun one.

In a couple of weeks, we're going to Italy for our first real vacation in almost five years. Due to Michelle's working at the Continental Club and C-Boy's, the most we've been able to muster as a team is a few days in New Orleans each year. And those have been great, but I'm looking forward to a couple of weeks abroad. With my broad. (Buh-dom-bish!) Michelle's got every day pretty well mapped out, with some down time in there, too, so we can just explore surroundings. I'm very much looking forward to this.

In other news, I've secured a new rehearsal space for my bands. Hopefully, it'll work okay. For the Pocket FishRmen, it'll be fine. For the Hickoids, I'm not so sure. It'll be tighter for the five-piece, but we should be able to smartly arrange the room to accommodate. We'll know for sure on Tuesday. The space the Hickoids have been in has undergone some transformation that isn't very friendly to a rehearsal space, precipitating this change. Fingers crossed. At least, the new place is in the same building as the old place.

ACLF, or Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta, is almost upon us. Next weekend that starts, with the first show at Empire Control Room (downtown, ugh) and the second show at the White Horse (east of downtown, only a partial "ugh," mainly because they have a house drum set). Following the White Horse show, or the next day, anyway, I'm heading to San Angelo for my mom's 89th birthday. I'll be there until Tuesday, then head back for work, etc. And then another weekend of Corn Loving, at ABGB's and the Lost Well (that show I'm not playing). The following day is a gathering at South Pop (Planet K on S. Lamar to you and me) for an art show featuring Davy Jones works, and the Hickoids are playing that. The next day, Michelle and I head to Italy. So the next couple of weeks are pretty stacked up. Might not be writing in this here blog for awhile!

So there....I figured out stuff to write today. Without even going into politics.......sheesh!

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