Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"Smiles of a Summer Night"

The latest watch....more furreign viewin'.....Ingmar Bergman's "Smiles of a Summer Night."

Bergman's been an acquired taste for me. I really liked "Seventh Seal" and "Virgin Spring," but after those, my enthusiasm slowed after watching "Wild Strawberries" and "The Magician." They were okay, but not what I'd consider essential. And "Wild Strawberries" is considered to be one of his classics. That WAS four years ago that I watched it; maybe I should try again. Since then, I've watched "Persona," "Fanny and Alexander," "Cries and Whispers" and "Summer With Monika," all of which I liked, so maybe I'm back on track. Now that I'm reading that last bit back, guess I've watched a lot of his stuff, even when I thought I might not care for it. Hmm. Maybe I'm just a slight masochist. Slight.

And so, "Smiles of a Summer Night." this is one of those "relationship movies." And it's a comedy, something Bergman's not really known for, although I'll admit my surprise at the humor included in "Seventh Seal." In many ways, this movie plays out like a more modern American romantic comedy, albeit a good one. The setting is turn-of-the-century Sweden, but other than one fella having both a wife and a mistress, the plot seems fairly modern in tone.

Overall, the film's pretty light, and there's a neat wrap-up with a bow on it. Despite that, I enjoyed this movie immensely. And that's about all I have to say right now. Drink up!

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