Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Slow Day

Better get back in the habit of writing. It's been awhile; over a week to be exact. And now I don't just have rock 'n' roll shows to write about. No action last week.

On the health front, things are good! I had a colonoscopy Monday; second one of this lifetime, and I passed with flying colors. Or a completely hollow tube, or whatever a superlative rating is for this inspection. Last time, five years ago, I had two polyps removed which turned out to be benign. This time, no polyps. That's a relief. But I still have to go every five years for this delightful escapade, due to the first procedure's findings. The worst part of this whole shebang is getting the IV put in. You're already somewhat dehydrated, due to the lack of intake to your body, and this time was no joyride. The first nurse was unsuccessful jabbing my hand and then the upper part of my lower arm. Finally, an ER nurse came in, and after two tries (which were much less painful), she got it going. The rest is a piece of cake. Speaking of food, Michelle and I went straight to the Salt Lick and ate barbecue after the procedure. I lives dangerously, I tells ya.

Let's stay with health for a bit. I continue to visit physical therapy for my right leg. My therapist has the issues narrowed down to the knee itself, with possible help from the upper and lower leg. This is beginning to make more and more sense. The sharpest pain I feel is in my lower leg, just southeast of my knee (looking down at it). Now, this is the same knee I had arthroscopic surgery on in 2006 for a torn meniscus suffered in late 2002. I'm starting to think that all this might stem from changing the way I walk, due to the injury and subsequent pain until getting the surgery. Would make sense. The back of my right knee is incredibly tight. I'm still in remission in terms of having any playing issues due to this, but I'd like to be pain-free and looser in that lower right leg. Hopefully, I'll get there. And I'm going to go back to a recumbent exercise bike; I've been using an upright one the last couple of years, and I still think that change brought on the "non-feeling" in my ankle back in late 2016. So, I've put the upright bike up for sale, and when that sells, I'll get this combo recumbent bike/desk I've been looking at. Would be nice to be able to work or whatever while pedaling away.

Next writing, I'll get back to the fun, movies, politics, etc. I haven't really written about politics yet. Sometimes I think I'm saving up for that. I promise it'll be good. Hey, it can't be any worse than anyone else's.....

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