Sunday, April 29, 2018


Recently, I joined a writers group, based in San Marcos, who meet each Sunday for an hour of gentle-peer-pressure writing time. And that's my explanation for why most of the blog posts I'm creating are on Sunday. So, now that that's out of the way...

Michelle left for Egypt last Saturday morning, very early, so I've been "baching it" for a little over a week now. I've used the extra time to put a lot of stuff up for sale on eBay and Craigslist......well, mostly eBay. I sold my upright exercise bike on FB Marketplace, and I have my Gretsch drum kit for sale on FB Marketplace and Craigslist right now, with not a lot of action. Two friends have contacted me about it, but one has already backed down, and I haven't heard anything else from the first friend to contact me. Maybe he's thinking about it. I really want to sell these drums before Michelle returns (next Saturday late), because I have them staged in the living room.

To recap the week:

Sunday, the Hickoids played Fredstock, a festival of sorts in San Antonio, and something that has been on the books for six months or so (another explanation of why I'm not in Egypt with Michelle). We played it with no rehearsal, something that's becoming more commonplace. We pulled it off fine, although I had some trouble with the back-lined kick drum....specifically with my kick pedal staying on the rim mount. No matter how much I tightened the clamp the combination of heat and humidity would loosen that sucker, and I'd end up with the pedal sliding to the right. This would usually happen toward the ends of songs and wasn't a problem to reset between songs, but it happened toward the end of "A.M. Lover," and I could not get it back on for at least a minute. The band just sat there looking at me.....I tried to get them to vamp, and they finally did, a bit. A bit embarrassing, but the only snafu of the day, for me, anyway. Tom broke a string at some point, and he switched to his Ovation electric. I like the look of that guitar, but he must not, as he doesn't use it much. Fun vibe at the show, though, and I'll take that every time.

I had some serious insomnia during the week, which is something I don't experience too often; probably a combination of Michelle being gone and some anxiety over the ordering of all those King Crimson box sets (see previous post). Lately, I've slept well; glad that's over. Allergies have been bad, but what else is new?

I sold several CDs and DVDs on eBay during the week. I love the whole "print postage at home and put it out for the mail" aspect of this enterprise. I need to pick up a scale, though, as sometimes you're asked for an item weight when calculating postage. A couple of times I've just guessed the weight. But really, this is taking the sting out of the whole recent merchandise ordering. I also ordered a new recumbent exercise bike, as I've sold the upright. Using the upright is the only thing I can think of that led to my current leg issue, so it's good that's gone. And my physical therapist is in agreement with me on that one. This new bike I've ordered has a desk attachment, so I can pedal while I work, etc. It'll be here Wednesday.

Speaking (writing?) of physical therapy, that's going along well, and I finally after all this time, feel some progress is being made. My therapist has been using acupuncture on me for awhile, but the recent places he's hitting are really doing some good. And he had me get a lacrosse ball and put that behind my right knee as I sit back on it. Frankly, it hurts like a motherfucker, but not so much after 45 seconds or so. And I do think it's loosening the top of the hamstring behind my knee. I'll keep on that quite a bit. I went to a show Friday and stood for a very long time. I wanted to support Patrick, who was opening the show very early, but I also did it to test how the leg would feel the next day. I was certainly stiff leaving the show, but the next day, I was fine. This is significant progress. In the recent past, the next day would have been a tender day, for sure.

Backing up to Thursday, the Pocket FishRmen rehearsed for the first time in about a month. That long, largely due to conflicts I had. We played pretty well, despite that. I do feel for Cris sometimes; the other three of us have other musical projects to keep us busy, but he only has us. He still played pretty well. We'll rehearse again this Thursday.....gearing up for the Fish Fry June 2nd.

I mentioned going to a show Friday, and that was Fishbone, who played at Buck's Backyard in Buda. I hadn't been there before. The Beaumonts played there a while back, but I couldn't make it for some reason. I really, really like the place. It was smaller than I expected, but not a small place at all. The crowd for the show was maybe a little smaller than I expected, but it was very, very enthusiastic, and I could tell the members enjoyed it. Fishbone has been gradually reinstating original members for awhile, and this line-up was the classic line-up, minus Kendall Jones (Google that story). While I do feel that Kendall's presence is sorely missed, it was still a very good show. Getting to see Phil "Fish" Fisher back behind the kit was a pleasure; he was always an inspiration to me. He's one of those drummers who has very clean execution. You never see a sloppy fill from him. Very relaxed, very precise, and a commanding presence. I need to work on that more. The relaxation and precision, anyway.

Saturday was a slow day. The only plan I had was to change the air filter in the HHR. I did, and yes, it needed it. Maybe the hesitation I've been feeling in the car will go away. (It felt like it driving down to San Marcos today.) I took it easy otherwise. Watched "Howl's Moving Castle," a Miyazaki animated film from 2005. I liked it quite a bit and am a little puzzled by lukewarm reviews of it I've read.

And so begins my second week of "baching it." Michelle will return early Sunday morning....or late Saturday night, as I'll look at it. I look forward to her return, for sure. Of the resident felines, Freya seems about the same, but Sneaky is obviously confused about what's going on. She's been needier than ever. That's okay. I prefer that to her hiding under a blanket the whole time Michelle's gone. She's only done that once, for a couple of hours.

And with that.......on to the week!

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