Monday, August 19, 2019

Hickoids / HMT 2019 Tour Saturday, Aug 3

The second gig of the tour was at the Waverly Brewery in Baltimore, home of both John Waters and "The Wire." I like that. But of course, we had a 2.5 hour drive from Atlantic City to endure first. (I was quickly going to dislike these commutes.)

The Waverly Brewery had a pretty small area to play in, not really a stage-style setup. And some folks were having a birthday party off to the left of the playing area, which made setup somewhat difficult. Max Jeffers of Western Star opened the show solo (turns out Western Star hadn't played in about a year). He played several songs that were tolerated, maybe even politely received, by the birthday partiers and the few other folks scattered around. Then it was our turn.
I was again using Bob's drums, and Bob was there with his girlfriend. Our set went fine and entertained the smattering of folks. Also, Max brought Rice a new bass head to use that worked, making Rice notably happier. At one point, during "Stop It," Max began feeding me pizza during the story section. He got to the point of just tossing pieces of slices at me. So, I got to eat a bit. I did have a notable snafu in "Working Man's Friend," when my stick got caught on my ride cymbal twice in a row during the triplet runs toward the end. I tried to make up for it by throwing several sticks in the air as a joke on the very last crash, but even that went awry, and sticks rained down on poor Smitty! Oops!

And then we drove back to Atlantic City for more bruhs and criminally overstuffed dresses. But here was the view from the hotel room (just to brush off some of the negative):

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