Sunday, November 3, 2019

And Now For Something Completely Different

For today's sermon, something different.....not that I'm getting tired about writing of tour goings-on, but I'm doing that based on memory. It's been, what....almost three months now? Should have finished writing about the tour a while back, but...I just didn't. Not that I've had writer's block or anything, I just didn't get to it. Waaah.

Life has been much the same since getting back from the tour....working, playing, etc. Michelle was in Turkey when I got back from the tour, and she went to Egypt for a third time, returning last Monday night. So, I've had a fair amount of time to myself, which has been nice, and somewhat reflective. I always miss her, but it's good for me to have time to....ponder, cogitate, etc. Not that I had any major epiphanies, but I do feel somewhat recharged in the old mental world. Which is good, as the physical body feels worse by the week. At least, my right leg does. Some days I wonder if I'm going to make it through this lifetime upright. Probably a silly thought, but some days, my right leg kills me. So far, it really hasn't affected any drumming, so I have no major complaints. Maybe I need to get into yoga. I find dreading any shows where loading equipment is going to be difficult, or I won't have any help for. Independent music making is not for the middle aged and up. For certain. I often joke to people that I made a mistake in not becoming famous. That would have fixed everything; I'd have roadies and sycophants-a-plenty to do my bidding. Ah, that would be nice.

But I'll keep going. I have no idea what else I'd do with my life at this point. I do enjoy writing, but I find it hard to keep any sort of discipline going....writing every morning, for instance. Maybe if I had more of a set schedule outside of work, I might be able to motivate myself to get in front of the writing tool daily. If I were to become immobile in some way, I suppose that would do it, too. But I want to stay mobile.

I knew this would be a rambling post.

One of the main focuses of my life is my now 90-year-old mother. She lives in San Angelo and has always been chronically self-sufficient and kept her distance from me in adulthood. Twice in recent years, she has moved closer to where I live (early 2000 to San Marcos, and late 2014 to Kyle), only to return to San Angelo within six months of arrival. She's always been the controlling sort, and as she can't control my adult life, becomes frustrated quickly and returns to San Angelo. She has been living in the Baptist Memorial senior center since mid-2015, and really, from what I've seen in my research, has a pretty good deal's just a pity she isn't closer to where I live. She's been making noise lately about wanting to be closer to me, and I'm beginning to research possibilities again, but I'm understandably wary of it all again. But she is 90. She's in good health for 90, but I have noticed more mental lapses lately. And really, I have to confess, she's not easy to deal with, and I'm tired of the several times a year trip to San Angelo. So, there's that. Maybe I'll find someplace closer to the Austin area that would be both affordable and something she might actually like, but I think the likelihood of that is slim. On top of everything else, she has decided she doesn't care for Michelle, which does not help matters at all. Her reasons for this are not even rational, but I think it's another way she uses to manipulate the situation, as it were. As rough as it may sound to write it, someday it'll all be over. But in the meantime, it's on my mind almost constantly.

So, let's turn to a fun subject, work. Before leaving for the August tour, I accepted a promotion at my day gig, and the new responsibilities began after I returned. It's been a strange ride so far, but right now, I think it's okay. It's not really okay, as we have so much turnover in our department right now that everything is in disarray and large parts of course material aren't even going to be updated, but so be it. I was very frustrated the first two weeks I was back on the job, but now? I just got to a point of....well, what can I do? Only what I can do, that's it. And that brought a certain zen-like peace that hasn't wavered. And that's kind of nice. 'sall I have to report on that front.

In funner (sic) news, I'm thinking about picking up a new snare drum from a drumming buddy who works for a company called Hendrix Drums. He's offered me a sponsorship, which means a heavy discount on equipment in exchange for using my name to advertise their drum line. Not bad, really. Now I'm certainly not famous (see above), but some regional folks know of me, so I might just sign up. Why not? Ain't getting any younger (also see above). As a matter of fact, I might put those wheels in motion this week. I was brought a snare drum to try out for a Pocket FishRmen gig a couple of weeks ago, and I did like the feel and sound of the drum a lot....and I didn't even tune it up much. Tightened it a little and went to whackin'. Yep, I liked the sound.

And the Astros lost the World Series. To be frank, that was a shock. Things looked bleak in the beginning when they lost the first two games at home, but after winning the next three in Washington, I thought they had the momentum back and could win at least one of the next two. I was wrong, and how. Most of Houston is probably still in shock. Already looking forward to next year.

What else? I don't know, not much, probably. Just had some things I wanted to write about to get off the ol' chest and such. That's it.

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